Why buy a bed online?
There are many great reasons to buy a bed online. My top 3 are:
- You can shop in your own time, outside of retail hours. Up late at night, or early in the morning? You don’t have to wait for a showroom to open.
- There is no need to go out. You don’t have to battle the traffic or fight for parking. Instead you can sit comfortably in your lounge and shop in your pyjamas, at your leisure.
- Online you can get the best prices. For example Bedworld offers amazing discounts online – as much as 40% on leading brands of beds. They even throw in free delivery if you live in Johannesburg.
The benefits of buying online are clear but this is a bed we are talking about! How will you buy a bed online that you haven’t tested first? Surely you need to lie on it, bounce on it, kick its legs? And often you aren’t just buying for one of you – there are two opinions to consider.
If you have some insider knowledge, however, you absolutely can buy a bed online without ever having seen it. All those benefits can be yours.
To choose, this is what you need to consider:
You can start by choosing the size you want. You want as big as bed as possible to give you sufficient room, especially if you sharing with a partner. It you have children that end up in bed with you sometime in the night, think about that too. The bed must fit into the room. That means you can get it into the room – consider stairwells, narrow passages, doorways. It also means you want to be able to move around the sides.
Beds come in the following sizes so think of these dimensions to make your choice: King 183cm, Queen 152cm, Double 137cm, Three-Quarter 107cm, and Single 91cm. Beds are also available in Standard Length 188cm and Extra Length 200cm. It may only be a few centimetres but, for taller people, those 12cms make a difference!
Think of all these things and that’s your first criterion dusted – size!
Many people believe the harder a mattress, the better support it’ll provide. That is not true. A good quality bed will provide the right support. The core of the bed is where the support comes from. Different brands will have different ways of making sure that mattress provides support, whether it is foam or springs. The comfort the bed delivers will come from the layers of cushioning that sit on top of this core.
And this is where some insider knowledge helps. The most popular and widely chosen level of comfort is medium-firm. This level of comfort can accommodate those that prefer a firm and a slightly softer mattress and, when you are buying a bed to share, you need to take both people into consideration.
When Hotels buy beds for their rooms, they buy a medium-firm comfort. As they are in the business of giving you a good night’s sleep, we can take it from them that this is the best choice.
Some of the most popular beds at Bedworld that are medium-firm comfort are the Restonic Orthozone Gold, the Green Coil Aqua, the Cloud Nine Extreme Pillow Top, and the Essential Sleep Box Top.
Main bedroom or spare bedroom?
If you are buying a bed for your main bedroom, you want to buy the best bed you can afford. You will be sleeping on it every night, and you sleep a third of every day. This is not the time to skimp. If you are buying a bed for your spare room, you can buy something a bit cheaper. It will not be used that often.
How much do you weigh?
And how much does your partner weigh? Ok, so now we are getting a little personal. It makes a difference, however. Mattresses are designed to support the weight of different people. If you weigh 145kgs you need to choose a different mattress to if you weigh 110kgs. A Cloud Nine Bambino, for example, is perfect for a child as it is designed for a sleeper up to 70kgs.
Choosing the right bed for your weight will mean that the bed provides you with the right level of support for your body. It will also ensure that your bed lasts and doesn’t start to collapse after a few short years.
Check the recommended weight on each bed. On each product on the Bedworld website, the recommended weight for that bed is displayed in the product description. If you are not sure, or need more information you can contact us by email through the website or call the store and ask one of our experienced sales consultants.
Spring or foam?
A foam bed is a premium product. Some still have the impression that foam is a poor substitute for a sprung mattress, but this could not be further from the truth. If you want to learn why a foam mattress is great, read all about it here.
A good quality bed will be made of a firm core, whether it is springs or a high-density foam. This is the part of the bed that will provide you with the support your body needs. It will then have layers of cushioning, the part that provides you with your preferred comfort.
When you are choosing your mattress online, you may have a personal preference. Maybe you slept on a friend’s foam mattress and it was your best sleep ever. Only foam will do. Cloud Nine and Genessi make premium quality foam beds and are available at Bedworld.
Or maybe it was a pocketed spring bed and you must have one. Try a Green Coil Aqua.
Do you want a particular Brand of bed? Many of our purchases are made according to a Brand preference. Brands make us comfortable. We know they have stood the test of time. You expect a certain quality and you know you have recourse if there is a problem. A Brand delivers trust. You don’t need to get stuck on a particular Brand, however. All of the Brands supplied by Bedworld manufacture good quality beds so explore them all.
Bedworld sells leading brands and you know you are getting a quality product. Choose from Restonic, Cloud Nine, Green Coil or Essential Sleep. If there is another brand or model bed that you want, you can send your request to Bedworld or call in-store for assistance. With Bedworld you get the best prices on leading brands of beds.
The final criterion you need to look at to help you when you buy a bed online is price. As you spend so much time in bed (a third of your life!) you should spend the most you can afford on your bed.
A good quality bed does not have to be the most expensive one. At Bedworld your money will go further. You can buy an excellent bed such as the Essential Sleep Excellence Box Top, the best value bed in its price range.
A bed is an investment. You will use it often and should expect to have it for 7 to 10 years. It makes sense to buy the best you can afford.
To sum it all up
In a nutshell, you can certainly buy a bed online without having seen or tested it. Decide what size you need. Choose the comfort you like. Know where and who the bed is for. Make sure you choose a bed designed for the right weight, and decide if it is important to you if it is a spring or foam bed. You can trust the Brands, explore them all. And decide how much you can afford.
If you still feel you have to try before you buy, come in to a Bedworld Showroom. A team member will answer any questions and help you decide. If you just have questions to be answered, send an email to info@bedworld.co.za and we will help you out. Take advantage of our online prices and free delivery in Johannesburg.
Buy a bed online and join our hundreds of happy customers that are sleeping on a bed they never saw before they bought.
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