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Mattress Protector 3/4 and XL Size Mattress Protector R650.00



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Neuroflex Set Neuroflex Box Top Queen XL Set R13,399.00



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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

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Protect A Bed

Single and XL Mattress Protector




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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

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No Deposit. Only R275.00 on your next two paycheques. Interest free. Learn More.

  • Featuring Miracle Membrane®
  • 100% waterproof & breathable barrier
  • Soft and super-absorbent with a cotton terry towel surface
  • Protects mattresses from stains and odours for warranty
  • Hypoallergenic and effective in preventing dust mites
  • Whisper-quiet – no crinkly sound
  • Wash durability rating: > 50 washes
  • Suitable for Standard and Extra Length Mattress

Pay over 3 EQUAL zero-interest instalments of R183.34 with PayJustNow.
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PayJustNow is a simple, easy-to-use payment system.

Here’s how it works:

PayJustNow allows you to pay for your purchase over 3 equal, zero interest instalments. You’ll pay one instalment at the time of purchase, the next at the beginning of the following month and the last one a month thereafter.

Step 1:

Browse your favourite online stores and proceed to check-out.

Step 2:

Choose PayJustNow as your payment method.

Step 3:

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Step 4:

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Here’s what you’ll need:

  A valid RSA ID document

  To be over 18 years old

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  A SA Bank issued debit or credit card



Single Mattress Protector

The single mattress protector is the following size:
92cm x 200cm x 35cm

Suitable for standard length and extra length mattresses
Design like a Fitted-style sheet


Superior Comfort offers superb quality, comfort and protection at a great price. This 100% waterproof, breathable and anti-allergenic mattress protector has a cotton terry towel surface that gives it superior comfort and excellent absorbency, perfect for moderate accidents.


Featuring Miracle Membrane®, a 100% waterproof yet air vapour-porous (breathable) barrier
Soft and super-absorbent with a cotton terry towel surface
Protects mattresses from stains and odours caused by accidental spills, perspiration and bodily fluids
Perfect for moderate accidents
Hypoallergenic and effective in preventing dust mites—a major cause of asthma, eczema and allergic rhinitis—from breeding in your mattress, making it ideal for anyone suffering from dust-mite allergies
Effective in preventing bacteria from building up in your mattress
Moderates body temperature to enhance sleeping comfort
Whisper-quiet – no crinkly sound
Easy Fit:

Can be used on all visco-elastic, inner-spring and latex mattresses
Fitted-sheet style makes it easy to fit and remove for washing
Expandable skirt ensures mattress protector fits any depth of mattress (25-38 cm), as well as extra-length mattresses
Safe to use OVER an electric blanket
Easy Care:

Wash durability rating: > 50 washes
Machine wash, and tumble-dry on medium
Can be sterilised at 120˚C
Safety Tested:

Tested for harmful substances according to Oeko-Tex Standard 100

The Superior Comfort mattress protector is guaranteed for 2 years against fabric and manufacturing defects.

Single 92 x 200 x 35cm
Three Quarter 107 x 200 x 35cm
Double 137 x 200 x 35cm
Queen 152 x 200 x 35cm
King 183 x 200 x 35cm

NB: The expandable skirt ensures mattress protector fits any depth of mattress (25-38 cm) as well as extra-length mattresses.

Why is it important to have a mattress protector?

A single mattress protector is a necessity for 4 main reasons:

  1. If your mattress is stained your warranty is void

If your mattress is stained then the warranty on your bed is void.   The manufacturer will no longer repair or replace your mattress as part of your warranty, even if the fault is unrelated to the stain. This means it is imperative to keep your mattress stain free.

  1. A mattress protector keeps your mattress clean

You may go to bed freshly showered every evening, but this does not mean your mattress is staying clean. When you perspire at night, this moisture passes through the sheet and onto the top layer of the mattress. Your tears and your saliva can find their way through the sheet, likewise blood and other fluids. All of these things can be kept from the surface of the mattress by using a mattress protector.

  1. A mattress protector helps prevent dust mite allergies

Dust mites thrive on dead skin cells. Your skin sloughs off dead cells all of the time. With a mattress protector, these can be cleaned off regularly and dust mites will not accumulate. Dust mite allergies are common and typical symptoms are sneezing, streaming eyes and a runny nose. Using a mattress protector can prevent these.

  1. A mattress protector will keep the mattress feeling new 

 The fabric and comfort layers of your mattress will be kept dry with a mattress protector. The biggest cause of deterioration in foam is moisture. The foam layers will keep their comfort and will last longer. The fabric will keep looking fresh and new.




Free delivery in Gauteng for orders over R3999, For orders less than this, delivery is R300


Due to the great prices and products on offer at Bedworld Online this Black Friday there is a VERY HIGH volume of deliveries. We know how excited you are to get your new bed, and we are doing all we can to get it to you as quickly as possible. Delivery is generally within 1 to 5 days. Please allow 3 to 7 days for Cloud Nine and Rest Assured, and 7 to 10 days for Restonic and Henwood. We appreciate your understanding.

For deliveries outside of Gauteng we use the service of a courier. Please contact us at or on Live Chat to check if we can deliver in your area, and what the cost and lead time will be.

For more details see

About Protect A Bed
Protect-A-Bed® is a global brand with 36 years’ experience and is recognised as the worldwide leader in bedding protection and innovation. Protect-A Bed® products are available in 45 countries. Home Style Textile in South Africa has the exclusive rights to distribute the Protect-A-Bed® range of products throughout sub-Sahara Africa.