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Ortho Slumber Pure Foam Set Pure Foam Ortho Slumber Single Set Original price was: R7,699.00.Current price is: R5,699.00.



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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

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Hospitality Latex 120 Set Hospitality Latex 120 Queen XL Set R8,699.00



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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

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Sibayi Hotelier Queen Set

Original price was: R10,999.00.Current price is: R9,199.00.



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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

Happy Pay Button
No Deposit. Only R4,599.50 on your next two paycheques. Interest free. Learn More.

  • Luxury comfort for hotel and home
  • Nested pocket spring for superior support and comfort
  • Rotator double sided mattress for durability
  • Edge support for a larger sleeping surface
  • Recommended weight 120kg per person
  • Medium Firm comfort

Delivery up to 10 working days

From only R1,113.82 pm over 12 months with FinChoicePay.
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FinChoicePay is a new payment method that allows you to buy now and pay back your purchase over 3 to 12 months.

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Pay over 3 EQUAL zero-interest instalments of R3,066.34 with PayJustNow.
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PayJustNow is a simple, easy-to-use payment system.

Here’s how it works:

PayJustNow allows you to pay for your purchase over 3 equal, zero interest instalments. You’ll pay one instalment at the time of purchase, the next at the beginning of the following month and the last one a month thereafter.

Step 1:

Browse your favourite online stores and proceed to check-out.

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Choose PayJustNow as your payment method.

Step 3:

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Step 4:

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Here’s what you’ll need:

  A valid RSA ID document

  To be over 18 years old

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  A SA Bank issued debit or credit card

Or split into 4x interest-free payments Learn more

Restonic Restore

The Restonic Restore is available in the following sizes. All measurements in centimetres.
Size Single 3/4 Double Queen King Size
Mattress Depth 30 30 30 30 30 Mattress Depth
Width 91 107 137 152 183 Width
Length 188 188 188 188 188 Length
Extra Length 200 200 200 200 200 Extra Length
Base Height 38 38 38 38 38 Base Height
Total Height 68 68 68 68 68 Total Height
Category: Tag:


The Sibayi from the Hotelier Collection

  • Queen 152cm
  • Base and Mattress Set
  • Standard Length 188cm

Features of the Sibayi Hotelier Queen Set:

The Sibayi Hotelier is a luxury pocket spring mattress with memory foam comfort.

This bed is from the Restonic Hotelier Collection and is meticulously crafted for enhanced comfort and durability.

This bed is a “Rotator”, a double sided mattress. It has superior comfort layers on both sides of the mattress. This allows the mattress to maintain a fresh sleeping surface, and it extends the life expectancy of your mattress.

It has a luxury knit fabric for a unique luxurious look, and added strength and durability.

This mattress has a nested pocket spring system, providing the best of both worlds.  It has the support of a bonnel spring, and the comfort of a pocket spring, whilst also minimising the transfer of partner movement.

The sides of the bed are strengthened with Edge Tech.  This maintains the shape of the mattress and also increases its overall sleeping surface as you can sleep up to the edge.

The mattress is extra depth and measures 30cm.

The Sibayi Hotelier is suitable for persons up to 120kg. The mattress has a 2 year guarantee and a 10 year warranty. It has a  Medium Firm comfort.

Comfort Scale – How does the Sibayi Hotelier Feel? Medium Firm

Comfort Rating - Medium Firm

This level of comfort offers a good balance of feeling supportive but with some softness. Most people like how a medium firm mattress feels. For this reason hotels and guest houses normally choose mattresses with this level of firmness. It accommodates many sleep positions – it is comfortable for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. 

Learn more about the Bedworld Comfort Scale here.


Additional information

Additional information


Bed Type

Pocket Spring

Comfort Rating

medium firm



Weight / Person




Free delivery in Gauteng for orders over R3999, For orders less than this, delivery is R300


Delivery is generally within 1 to 5 days. Please allow 3 to 7 days for Cloud Nine and Rest Assured, 7 to 10 days for Restonic and Henwood, and 10 to 14 days for Serta.

For deliveries outside of Gauteng we use the service of a courier. Please contact us at or on Live Chat to check if we can deliver in your area, and what the cost and lead time will be.

For more details see

About Restonic
Restonic is a leading brand in the South African market and is known as the mattress with the “Marvellous Middle®”. These mattresses have a no-turn design and offer features such as side support to keep the shape of the mattress, and luxury bamboo fabric covering. The range offers a variety of options including pocket springs, pillow-tops, Euro-tops, and latex foam to name a few. Restonic beds are manufactured to exacting standards and only high quality components are used. This well-loved brand offers comfort, support and durability. Restonic has been supporting dreams since 1938, and is one of South Africa’s most trusted Brands. The Relax Orthozone Range uses the latest international technology, including specialty foams for extra comfort and support. These beds feature the patented "Marvellous Middle".  High Density Foam Posture Bars run between the springs in the middle of the mattress, adding support to the center third of the mattress where it is needed the most.  The mattresses are inner spring mattresses. They are foam encased for extra side support and stability.