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Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+ King XL Set




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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

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  • Premium heavy-duty pocket spring with latex foam
  • Comfort and durability for hospitality and home
  • Minimal transfer of partner movement
  • Double sided turn mattress for long lifespan
  • Stylish look with durable knitted fabric cover
  • 150+ kg per person
  • Firm Comfort

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PayJustNow allows you to pay for your purchase over 3 equal, zero interest instalments. You’ll pay one instalment at the time of purchase, the next at the beginning of the following month and the last one a month thereafter.

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Frequently Bought Together

Granulated Latex Pillow

  • Standard Size Pillow
  • Manufactured from granulated latex
  • Maximum sleeping comfort and support
  • Uniform support over life of pillow
  • Hypo-Allergenic and hygienic
  • Durable with 5 year warranty

King and XL Size Mattress Protector

  • Fitted mattress protector
  • Protects against stains as required for mattress warranty
  • Cool, soft and comfortable to sleep on
  • Breathable fabric with unique airflow technology
  • Built in barrier to protect against dust mites
  • Wash durability rating: > 200 washes
  • Waterproof and absorbent
  • Suitable for Standard and Extra Length Mattress

Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+

Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+. All measurements in centimetres.
SizeSingle3/4DoubleQueenKingSuper KingSize
Mattress Depth303030303030Mattress Depth
Extra Length200200200200200200Extra Length
Base Height393939393939Base Height
Total Height696969696969Total Height


Hospitality Pocket Firm King XL Set

  • King 183cm
  • Base and Mattress Set
  • Extra Length (XL) 200cm

Features of the Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+:

The Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+ is  premium heavy-duty pocket spring with latex comfort. 

This pocket spring is made with heavy gauge 2.1mm wire for superior support. The spring unit is framed with a butterfly side support for extra strength, and it is also foam encased. This ensures you can use the whole of the sleeping surface, and prevents that feeling of rolling off the side.

The individual pocket springs respond to the weight of your body, providing you with the correct level of support where you need it. This aligns your spine and promotes the optimal sleeping posture.

A feature of a pocket spring mattress is that there is minimal transfer of partner movement so you can enjoy undisturbed rest.

The comfort layer of the mattress is made with pu latex foam to give maximum comfort. Latex foam returns to its original shape quickly and this gives some “pushback”.  It is easy to turn on the mattress so you do not wake up when you move. This comfort layers also relieve pressure points for a restful sleep. The bed has a supportive feel, with some gentle give for comfort.

The Pocket Firm 150+ is designed to be turned and you can sleep on both sides.  With proper care and regular turning and rotating, this mattress will last a long time.

The mattress has a 2 year guarantee and a 15 year service warranty.  (Please always use a mattress protector with your bed. A clean and sanitary mattress is a condition of your warranty).

The Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+ is covered in white knit fabric with a quilted woven border.  This is a heavy duty fabric that is soft and durable.  It is also flame retardant.

The set is sold with a stylish grey upholstered base. Beds from the Hospitality Collection bring the style and comfort you expect from a hotel into your home.

The Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+ is a heavy duty mattress with a weight bearing capacity of 150+ kgs per person

It has a Firm feel.

Comfort Scale – How does the Hospitality Firm Pocket 150+ feel? Firm

Comfort Level - Firm

This mattress has a FIRM feel, with only a little give. If you like your bed to be a quite hard, this is for you. It is popular with those that like to sleep on their back or stomach.

Learn more about the Bedworld Comfort Scale here.


Additional information

Additional information

Dimensions200 × 183 × 27 cm

Bed Type

Pocket Spring

Comfort Rating




Weight / Person


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Free delivery in Gauteng for orders over R3999, For orders less than this, delivery is R300


Due to the great prices and products on offer at Bedworld Online stock is limited with a VERY HIGH volume of deliveries over the FESTIVE SEASON. We know how excited you are to get your new bed, and we are doing all we can to get it to you as quickly as possible. If you need your bed urgently please check in with us on availability and time of delivery.

Cloud Nine, Rest Assured, Restonic and Henwood deliveries can be between 10 to 20 days due to December factory closures. We appreciate your understanding.

For deliveries outside of Gauteng we use the service of a courier. Please contact us at or on Live Chat to check if we can deliver in your area, and what the cost and lead time will be.

For more details see

About Hospitality
The Hospitality Collection from Essential Sleep - bringing the comfort and style of the hotel into your bedroom. These beds are made to the exacting specifications demanded by hotels and guest houses. Firstly, they must offer exceptional comfort. Secondly they must be durable and long wearing. The beds from this collection are a popular choice in both the hospitality industry and private homes.