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Cambridge Set Cambridge Double Set R15,399.00



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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

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Happy Pay Button
No Deposit. Only R6,049.50 on your next two paycheques. Interest free. Learn More.
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Cambridge Set Cambridge 3/4 XL Set R13,099.00



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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

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Happy Pay Button
No Deposit. Only R6,049.50 on your next two paycheques. Interest free. Learn More.
Rest Assured

Cambridge Single XL Set




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  3. Enter your payment details & payday.

  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

Happy Pay Button
No Deposit. Only R6,049.50 on your next two paycheques. Interest free. Learn More.

  • Top of range luxury Box Top pocket spring mattress 
  • Natural Latex Cooling Viscose Breathe luxury box top
  • Hand-nested Pocket Spring system for premium support
  • Copper Interpolated Gel Foam for temperature regulation
  • No sagging edges – reinforced edge support
  • Minimal transfer of partner movement
  • Endorsed by the SA Society of Physiotherapy
  • 150 kg per person
  • Medium Firm Comfort

Looking for other options from Rest Assured? Chat to us on whatsappDelivery on this product may be delayed due to closure of suppliers till January

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Frequently Bought Together

Memory Classic Pillow

  • Standard Size Pillow
  • Manufactured from heat and pressure sensitive memory foam
  • Moulds to profile of head, neck and shoulders
  • Provides correct support and superior comfort
  • Hypo-Allergenic and hygienic
  • Durable with 5 year warranty

Single and XL Mattress Protector

  • Featuring Miracle Membrane®
  • 100% waterproof & breathable barrier
  • Soft and super-absorbent with a cotton terry towel surface
  • Protects mattresses from stains and odours for warranty
  • Hypoallergenic and effective in preventing dust mites
  • Whisper-quiet – no crinkly sound
  • Wash durability rating: > 50 washes
  • Suitable for Standard and Extra Length Mattress

Rest Assured Cambridge

Rest Assured Cambridge. All measurements in centimetres.
Mattress Depth3333333333Mattress Depth
Extra Length200200200200200Extra Length
Base Height3737373737Base Height
Total Height7070707070Total Height


Rest Assured Cambridge Single XL Set:

  • Single 91cm
  • Base and Mattress Set
  • Extra Length (XL) 200cm

Features of the Rest Assured Cambridge:

The Cambridge is a top of the range pocket spring Box Top with natural latex

Copper Interpolated Plush Box Top

Latest technology Copper Interpolated Gel Foam, combined with Natural Latex and Hyper Soft polyurethane layers, improves sleep quality.  This regulates temperature while offering a comfortable and supportive plush boxed top layer.

The plush Box Top has luxury Viscose Breathe memory foam. This foam has an open cell structure which dissipates heat, providing a cooler sleeping surface. It also has a luxurious feel. 

This is a no-turn mattress for your convenience.  All that is required is that you simply rotate the mattress on a regular basis to ensure both comfort and longevity.

Nested Pocket

This mattress has nested pocket springs that are arranged in a honeycomb design, individually packed by hand. This allows for 30% greater spring count and offers more support.  The springs are electronically tempered making them stronger for better support where it is needed. The pocket springs mould to the contours of your body for comfort for the perfect sleeping posture.

Rest Assured beds are endorsed by the South African Society of Physiotherapists.

Foam Encased

The spring unit is foam encased in high density firm polyurethane foam for reinforced edge support. This ensures there is no sagging of the mattress at the edges and provides a larger sleeping surface.

Minimal Transfer of Partner Movement

The Cambridge pocket spring unit is individually packed and glued together.  This limits the transfer of partner movement assisting with disturbance free sleep.

 Imported Ticking

The mattress is covered in soft touch imported ticking which is micro-quilted to ensure optimum heat dissipation.

Non Toxic and Hygienic

All foams used in the manufacturing process are produced in house at Strandfoam Group, and is completely stable, non toxic and hygienic.

The guarantee on the Cambridge is 2.5 years and it has a 25 year service warranty.  A condition of the guarantee is that the bed is in a sanitary condition. Please use a mattress protector to protect your mattress and guarantee.

The Cambridge is designed for persons up to 150kg. This luxury bed has a Medium Firm comfort.

Comfort Scale – How does the Cambridge Feel? Medium Firm

Comfort Rating - Medium Firm

This level of comfort offers a good balance of feeling supportive but with some softness. Most people like how a medium firm mattress feels. For this reason hotels and guest houses normally choose mattresses with this level of firmness. It accommodates many sleep positions – it is comfortable for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. 

Learn more about the Bedworld Comfort Scale here.

Additional information

Additional information


Bed Type

Pocket Spring

Comfort Rating

medium firm



Weight / Person




Free delivery in Gauteng for orders over R3999, For orders less than this, delivery is R300


Due to the great prices and products on offer at Bedworld Online stock is limited with a VERY HIGH volume of deliveries over the FESTIVE SEASON. We know how excited you are to get your new bed, and we are doing all we can to get it to you as quickly as possible. If you need your bed urgently please check in with us on availability and time of delivery.

Cloud Nine, Rest Assured, Restonic and Henwood deliveries can be between 10 to 20 days due to December factory closures. We appreciate your understanding.

For deliveries outside of Gauteng we use the service of a courier. Please contact us at or on Live Chat to check if we can deliver in your area, and what the cost and lead time will be.

For more details see

About Rest Assured
Rest Assured beds are manufactured from high quality components to ensure durability. They are designed to give you maximum comfort and support, at a price you can afford. A Rest Assured bed has a heavy duty spring system for better support with premium quality cushioning for comfort. It lives up to the claim “so comfortable you can’t help falling asleep”.All Rest Assured beds are endorsed by the South African Society of Physiotherapy. Rest Assured began manufacturing in the Cape Province in 1979, and in 2019 celebrated its 40th Ruby Anniversary. It is important to Rest Assured to maintain its reputation as a brand that South Africans can love and trust.