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Rest Assured Body Tech Mattress Body Tech NT PT Double Mattress R9,899.00



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Rest Assured Body Tech Mattress Body Tech NT PT Queen Mattress R10,899.00



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Rest Assured

Body Tech NT PT Double XL Mattress




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  4. Your first payment (50%) is made on your first payday post-purchase and the second payment (50%) is made on your next payday thereafter.

Happy Pay Button
No Deposit. Only R5,349.50 on your next two paycheques. Interest free. Learn More.

  • Luxury pocketed spring mattress with blue gel memory foam pillowtop
  • Individual wrapped pocketed springs for superior support & comfort
  • Tempered coils for extra durability
  • No turn design for convenience
  • Endorsed by the South African Association of Physiotherapists
  • 20 year service warranty
  • 135kg per person
  • Plush comfort

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PayJustNow allows you to pay for your purchase over 3 equal, zero interest instalments. You’ll pay one instalment at the time of purchase, the next at the beginning of the following month and the last one a month thereafter.

Step 1:

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Rest Assured Body Tech NT PT

Rest Assured Body Tech NT PT. All measurements in centimetres.
Size Single 3/4 Double Queen King Size
Mattress Depth 33 33 33 33 33 Mattress Depth
Width 91 107 137 152 183 Width
Length 188 188 188 188 188 Length
Extra Length 200 200 200 200 200 Extra Length
Base Height 37 37 37 37 37 Base Height
Total Height 70 70 70 70 70 Total Height


Rest Assured Body Tech NT PT Double XL Mattress:

  • Double 137cm
  • Mattress Only
  • Extra Length (XL) 200cm

Features of the Rest Assured Body Tech NT PT Double XL Mattress:

The Body Tech is a luxurious pocket spring bed with a memory foam pillowtop.   The pocket springs are individually wrapped and then joined together.  The springs are also foam encased and the edges are reinforced. This provides optimal support and minimises the transfer of partner movement, for undisturbed sleep. 

This bed has a no turn design.  It should be rotated regularly to ensure comfort and longevity.

The mattress is topped with a blue gel memory foam pillowtop.  Memory foam responds to your curves, cushioning your body and providing luxury comfort.  The blue gel technology dissipates heat to regulate the temperature of the mattress.

The mattress is covered in micro quilted soft touch jacquard ticking. This provides a super soft and cool sleeping surface.  The mattress is non toxic, stable, hygienic and allergy free.

The Body Tech NT PT is sold on a genuine Rest Assured base.

This bed is endorsed by the South African Society of Physiotherapists.  The Body Tech NT PT has a 2 year guarantee and a 20 year service warranty. 

This bed is designed for persons up to 135kg and it offers Plush Comfort.

Comfort Scale – How does the Rest Assured Body Tech NT PT feel? Plush

Plush Comfort

This has a soft ‘pillowy’ feel, like you are sinking into the mattress. If you like the feeling of being cushioned, this is for you. Some will find it too soft, and it tends to get flattened out by heavier persons, so it does not suit all. It is comfortable for side sleepers and some back sleepers. If you sleep on our stomach, this bed will be too soft for you.

Learn more about the Bedworld Comfort Scale here.

About Rest Assured

At the heart of each Rest Assured bed is a solid, ultra-tough spring construction with exclusive features. Coupled with the latest technology, this basic approach allows an almost limitless range of comfort choices and ensures outstanding value.  Rest Assured aims to produce durable and comfortable beds; products you can trust.  These beds are endorsed by the South African Physiotherapy Association. Rest Assured is a well-loved South African brand and recently celebrated their 40th Anniversary.

Additional information

Additional information


Bed Type

Pocket Spring

Comfort Rating




Weight / Person


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Free delivery in Gauteng for orders over R3999, For orders less than this, delivery is R300


Delivery is generally within 1 to 5 days. Please allow 3 to 7 days for Cloud Nine and Rest Assured, 7 to 10 days for Restonic and Henwood, and 10 to 14 days for Serta.

For deliveries outside of Gauteng we use the service of a courier. Please contact us at or on Live Chat to check if we can deliver in your area, and what the cost and lead time will be.

For more details see

About Rest Assured
Rest Assured beds are manufactured from high quality components to ensure durability. They are designed to give you maximum comfort and support, at a price you can afford. A Rest Assured bed has a heavy duty spring system for better support with premium quality cushioning for comfort. It lives up to the claim “so comfortable you can’t help falling asleep”. All Rest Assured beds are endorsed by the South African Society of Physiotherapy. Rest Assured began manufacturing in the Cape Province in 1979, and in 2019 celebrated its 40th Ruby Anniversary. It is important to Rest Assured to maintain its reputation as a brand that South Africans can love and trust.