The Ideal Bedroom For Sleep
Sleep Tips, Top tips

Top Tips To Create The Ideal Bedroom For Sleep

It’s worth thinking about how to create an ideal bedroom for sleep because nothing beats a great night’s sleep.  It is a deeply satisfying and restorative thing, and it gives you the energy and resources to tackle your day.

Here are our 5 favourite hacks.

Get the temperature right

Science tells us that the ideal room temperature for sleep is between 15 and 19 degrees.  In winter this isn’t hard to achieve but in the summer you may need to cool down the room.  Some of the ways to achieve ideal temperature are:

  • have a heater/fan according to the season
  • don’t have too many bed covers
  • consider the insulation of your room – windows, doors, ceiling

Unclutter your room

Some people don’t seem to mind a messy bedroom, but even these people prefer it when it is tidy.  One of the big offenders creating mess is clothes. Don’t be tempted to hang clothes over a chair or furniture in the room: if they are dirty they should go in the wash, and if they are clean into the cupboard.

Consider a proper declutter – perhaps using something like the popular KonMari method featured on Netflix with Marie Kondo.  You will be amazed at how much calmer it feels and how it transforms into an ideal bedroom for sleep.

Dim the lights

The softer light in the bedroom signals the body that it is time to unwind, relax and ultimately go to sleep.  Bedside lamps create more ambient lighting than a bright overhead light.

One of the biggest disruptors to our sleep patterns is the blue light emitted from electronic devices, and of course overstimulation.  A good rule is to stop using your device at least an hour before bedtime.  It may seem extreme but consider leaving your phone outside your bedroom and having an old-fashioned alarm clock to wake you.

Once you are ready to go to sleep eliminate as much light as you can – turn off all lights, use block out curtains, consider an eye mask.

Have a comfortable bed and pillow

A comfortable bed will make all the difference.  If you find you or your partner are tossing and turning and waking up tired, it may be time for a new bed.  You want one that provides proper support and has a sleeping surface you find comfortable.  The comfort feel preferred by most people is medium-firm.

A pillow that supports your head and neck is also important.  Your pillow should create natural alignment and a positive sleeping posture.

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And the Colour?

Colour is a personal preference, but there are some colours psychologists suggest are more conducive to an ideal bedroom for sleep.

The colours that are considered a No-No are purple, red, brown, grey and gold, as well as primary colours.

The colours that are conducive to sleep apparently are blue, yellow, green, silver and orange.

Psychology is a soft science so you may have your own thoughts on this, but this is what some studies have suggested.

The Ideal Bedroom For Sleep

So in a nutshell then, address the following for the best sleep environment:

  • temperature of the room
  • eliminating light
  • decluttering the space
  • get a comfortable bed & pillow
  • have a calm, restful colour

For more great tips for a good night’s sleep, read here.

Do you have anything to add that you think is important? Send us a comment below.